@adds666 I am still in "testing mode". I had some problems with the node, it stoped receiving messages but did always work with the button. Yesterday i built a new node and uploaded the sketch and it seems to work better. Here is the sketch i use, I changed the pin for the button due to missing digital pins on my pcb. And I am back on using digital pins for the stepper driver for the same reason. I greyed out buttonpin 2. I don't think it is needed. I also greyed out the heartbeat-part as I had problems. Just for testing. Don't know if it is suitable when using Home Assistant. /* PROJECT: MY Sensors curtain controller PROGRAMMER: AWI DATE: march 11, 2016 FILE: AWI stepper1.ino LICENSE: Public domain Hardware: ATMega328p board w/ NRF24l01 and MySensors 2.0 (Development) Special: uses AccelStepper library Summary: Curtain control with stepper motor. Manual operation with 1 push button Calibration with manual button Remarks: Fixed node-id Change log: 20160312 - Cleanup */ // Enable debug prints to serial monitor #define MY_DEBUG #define MY_NODE_ID 8 // fixed node number // Enable and select radio type attached #define MY_RADIO_RF24 #define MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL RF24_PA_HIGH //#define MY_RADIO_RFM69 #include <SPI.h> #include <MySensors.h> // stepper library #include <AccelStepper.h> // http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/AccelStepper/ #define HALFSTEP 8 // Stepper uses "Halfstep" mode // button library // used for: // - manual open close - single click: close/ stop/ open/ stop // - calibration - after long press: open calibarion- until single press - closed calibration - until single press (stop) #include <Button.h> // https://github.com/JChristensen/Button - Använd gammal version. testat med V0.9 och det funkar #define CHILD_ID 1 // Id of the sensor child #define SN "Curtain control" #define SV "1.0" #define buttonPin1 A0 // Arduino pin connected to buttonPin1 //#define buttonPin2 A0 // Arduino pin connected to buttonPin2 (fixed to ground) // Motor pin definitions #define motorPin1 2 // IN1 on the ULN2003 driver 1 #define motorPin2 3 // IN2 on the ULN2003 driver 1 #define motorPin3 5 // IN3 on the ULN2003 driver 1 #define motorPin4 6 // IN4 on the ULN2003 driver 1 //const unsigned long heartbeatInterval = 1 * 3600UL * 1000UL ; // heartbeatinterval //unsigned long heartbeatCounter = 0 ; // // helper routines to store and retrieve long in mysensors EEPROM union { // used to convert long to bytes for EEPROM storage long longInt; uint8_t LongByte[4]; } convLongInt ; void saveStateL(int EEposition, long StateL){ convLongInt.longInt = StateL ; for (int y = 0; y < 4 ; y++){ // convert to bytes saveState(EEposition + y , convLongInt.LongByte[y]) ; } Serial.print("State saved: "); Serial.println(StateL); } long loadStateL(int EEposition){ for (int y = 0; y < 4 ; y++){ // convert from bytes convLongInt.LongByte[y] = loadState(EEposition + y) ; } Serial.print("State read: "); Serial.println(convLongInt.longInt); return convLongInt.longInt ; } // Initialize with pin sequence IN1-IN3-IN2-IN4 for using the AccelStepper with 28BYJ-48 AccelStepper stepper1(HALFSTEP, motorPin1, motorPin3, motorPin2, motorPin4); // Initialize button active low, debounce and internal pull-up Button myBtn(buttonPin1, true, true, 40); // Initiate the button (pin, pull_up, invert, debounce_ms) MyMessage percentageMsg(CHILD_ID, V_PERCENTAGE); // used to send updates to controller const long maxRun = 4000000L ; // maximum runway long setPosition = 0 ; // remembers set position, need to be saved in EEPROM const int setPositionEE = 4 ; // eeprom location long openPosition = 0 ; // Position at open, need to be saved in EEPROM? const int openPositionEE = setPositionEE + 4 ; // eeprom location long closedPosition = 120000UL ; // Position at full close, need to be saved in EEPROM const int closedPositionEE = openPositionEE + 4 ; // eeprom location unsigned long idleTimer = millis() ; // return to idle timer unsigned long idleTime = 100000UL ; // return to idle after 100 secs unsigned long printTimer = millis() ; // print timer unsigned long printTime = 1000UL ; // print after 1 secs enum position_t {Open, Close, Idle, Running} ; position_t lastDirection = Open ; // lastDirection only for buttonpress position_t runStatus = Idle ; // indicates current status for running motor. used for status reporting to controller enum State_t {sIdle, sCalibrateOpen, sCalibrateClose} ; State_t State = sIdle ; void setup() { // setup buttons pinMode(buttonPin1, OUTPUT); stepper1.setMaxSpeed(1000.0); stepper1.setAcceleration(1000.0); //saveStateL(closedPositionEE, closedPosition) ; // INIT: save closed position in EEPROM closedPosition = loadStateL(closedPositionEE) ; // need to get last values from EEPROM and assume the current position is correct setPosition = loadStateL(setPositionEE) ; stepper1.setCurrentPosition(setPosition ); }//--(end setup )--- void presentation() { present(CHILD_ID, S_COVER, "Curtain"); // Window Cover sub-type, commands: V_UP, V_DOWN, V_STOP // Register the LED Dimmable Light with the gateway sendSketchInfo(SN, SV); } void loop() { unsigned int now = millis() ; // current time for loop // simple state machine for button press myBtn.read(); switch (State) { // Idle state, waiting for some action // - button press // - idleTimer case sIdle: if (myBtn.wasReleased()){ // idle Serial.println("Button release") ; // if running stop if (stepper1.isRunning()){ setPosition = stepper1.currentPosition(); stepper1.moveTo(setPosition) ; // move to current position (was already there..) } else if (lastDirection == Open) { stepper1.moveTo(closedPosition) ; lastDirection = Close ; } else { // lastDirection == Close stepper1.moveTo(openPosition) ; lastDirection = Open ; } } else if (myBtn.pressedFor(3000)){ // move to calibratete state with long press Serial.println("Button press long") ; idleTimer = now ; // return to idle after ... State = sCalibrateOpen ; stepper1.move(-maxRun) ; // let the stepper open with maximum } break ; // if not running and last action was open close ; else open // if longpress Calibrate open case sCalibrateOpen: // calibration going on if (myBtn.wasPressed()){ stepper1.setCurrentPosition(0 ); // set new 0 position ?? openPosition = setPosition = 0 ; State = sCalibrateClose ; // next is close calibarion stepper1.move(maxRun) ; // let the stepper close with maximum } else if (now > idleTimer + idleTime) { // timer expired -> abort calibration State = sIdle ; } break ; case sCalibrateClose: // calibrate closed position, end with keypress if (myBtn.wasPressed()) { closedPosition = setPosition = stepper1.currentPosition() ; saveStateL(closedPositionEE, closedPosition) ; // save closed position in EEPROM State = sIdle ; stepper1.moveTo(openPosition) ; // return to open after calibration } else if (now > idleTimer + idleTime) { // timer expired -> abort calibration State = sIdle ; } break ; default : break ; } // power off stepper if not running (no need to reenable)) if (!stepper1.isRunning()){ if (runStatus != Idle){ // there was a change in runningstatus, so report to controller setPosition = stepper1.currentPosition() ; // store in EEPROM and report ready to controller saveStateL(setPositionEE, setPosition) ; send( percentageMsg.set((100 * setPosition)/(closedPosition - openPosition))) ; runStatus = Idle ; } stepper1.disableOutputs(); } else { runStatus = Running ; } stepper1.run(); /* if (printTimer++ > now + printTime){ printTimer = now ; Serial.println(stepper1.currentPosition()); } */ } // This is called when a message is received void receive(const MyMessage &message) { // We only expect few types of messages from controller, check which switch (message.type) { case V_PERCENTAGE: // Curtain should be opened stepper1.moveTo(message.getInt() * (closedPosition - openPosition)/100); Serial.print("Message: "); Serial.print(message.sensor); Serial.print(" , value: % "); Serial.println( message.getInt()); Serial.print("Moving to: "); Serial.println(message.getInt() * (closedPosition - openPosition)/100); break ; case V_STATUS: // Curtain should be opened or closed full stepper1.moveTo((message.getInt() == HIGH)?openPosition:closedPosition); Serial.print("Message - valid: "); Serial.print(message.sensor); Serial.print(" , value: % "); break ; default : // not recognizable message Serial.print("Message - valid: "); Serial.print(message.sensor); Serial.print(", Unrecognized "); break ; } }